Network of intellectuals and Pan-Americanism: relations between politics and the writing of history in the Southern Cone (1922-1940)

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The research Network of intellectuals and Pan-Americanism: relations between politics and the writing of history in the Southern Cone (1922-1940) was initially intended to study a network of Americanist intellectuals with ramifications in Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. This network organized history congresses, published books, and founded research institutes and university chairs between 1922 and 1940. After FAPESP’s positive opinion to provide doctoral funding, this research has been adapted to the pandemic reality, adding information technologies to historiographical methods. As archives were closed, a database started to be constructed based on journals and books organized by networks of Americanists. Currently, this collection counts on:

  • All the IHGB [Brazilian Historic and Geographic Institute] Magazines, from 1838 to 2020;
  • Dictionaries such as Raphael Bluteau 1728, Luiz Maria da Silva Pinto 1832, and Antônio de Moraes Silva;
  • Sacramento Blake Collection;
  • Revista Americana.

Our collections are included to create a database capable of making way for new research. This way, it may help one search keywords, analyze frequency and co-relation, extract data and build graphs capable of generating new understandings over the same subject. For the networks under study, established in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Chile, it was possible to map the use of words such as “historiography”, “civilization”, and “pan-Americanism”. The search tool also allows mapping the mediation of intellectuals regarding their use of concepts to create research institutions, publications, or congresses.

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The next steps of this research are intended to expand both collection and database from dialogues between networks of Americanists throughout the West, in order to enable the study of the movements of intellectuals worldwide. We will also provide a platform to search over the database, so other researchers may also use the tool. In turn, these researchers can create an entry about the requested terms to be made available on the same platform.

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Funding Institution: FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation)

Months elapsed: 15/48

Picture I - Word cloud from RIHGB Magazine 1839
Picture II - Co-relation of words in RIHGB Magazine 1839
Picture III - Nodes composed from the mapping of networks